
Monday, 17 June 2013

I'm writing a very random story now, so I haven't been able to make much time for making custom stuff. Sorry! But most likely I'll upload one by tomorrow.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Ignore the random human. It's for decoration :3
Anyway, it's my 1st time trying this kind of background >w<
Hope you like it!
(Again, to save this picture, right-click on the picture and click "Save image as..." and put it in your desired file)

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

This will be all for this week and next monday. Because I have a camp from thursday-saturday and monday yet another camp.... but i'll try to make more today owo

SORRY FOR THE HUGE DELAY! D: Been really, really busy over the few days. I'll try to add as many backgrounds as i can today x.x

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Hi :)

こんにちは! Hi :) Welcome to RawwrMage's custom backgrounds. I am NOT an animator, so don't go searching for me on youtube. I can make custom backgrounds and some custom poses(don't expect me to be too good at custom poses) so you may request on them. How often more customed backgrounds appear depends on how much free time I have. So don't expect customed backgrounds/poses to appear everyday!

Thanks for coming to visit RawwrMage's custom backgrounds!
